Priya has started a blog and so I told her that maybe that would make me update mine. I'm currently waiting for Sam's mother to come over with their dog, Maggie, so Sam and I can dog sit her. We're supposed to meet outside at 8pm because she doesn't have a cell phone.
In the mean time, I'll see if I can catch you up on what has happened in the past 4 months.
I started to work part time back at LDI the week before my triathlon. The timing was pretty good since I had already done most of my training and the week before my arm was still healing from my crash so my training wasn't to intensive. I hadn't do two-a-days in a while.
I swam, biked and ran in my triathlon and almost cried when I finished because I was either so happy it was over or happy that I was able to make it to the end. My elbow had healed near completely about a week before the race so I had a little bit of time to practice in the pool again but shin splints had still been a problem. I was in the beginners swim group at the triathlon and the water was warm. Yes! There were people in there doing the doggy paddle and the back swim thing that is my usual swim. But I hadn't taken swim lessons for nothing. So I did the free style as taught to the end of a lane and then waited to catch my breath before continuing to the next lane. Race coordinators or whatever they are called would tell me that I could skip ahead a few lanes without being penalized. But like I told the guy who was resting in my lane with me; "I'm not giving up, I'm just resting." He agreed. Once the swim was over, I was happy. The biking wasn't bad but my nose was running constantly. Luckily I had a hankie with me so I had to kee
p it in my hand the whole time since tucking it back into my shorts wasn't efficient. I was just worried though that I would need my whole hand to break or turn hard but the hankie would be an obstacle getting a good grip of the handle bar. The run was last. I ran for a while but was tired and since shin splints had been common before the race, I wanted to make sure I would be able to run around the track to the finish line. So I took a break in the middle of the run and walked. I finished in about the middle of the pack. Ken-ichi was like 9th and Sam was 36th out of 400 and some.
In the mean time, I'll see if I can catch you up on what has happened in the past 4 months.
I started to work part time back at LDI the week before my triathlon. The timing was pretty good since I had already done most of my training and the week before my arm was still healing from my crash so my training wasn't to intensive. I hadn't do two-a-days in a while.
I swam, biked and ran in my triathlon and almost cried when I finished because I was either so happy it was over or happy that I was able to make it to the end. My elbow had healed near completely about a week before the race so I had a little bit of time to practice in the pool again but shin splints had still been a problem. I was in the beginners swim group at the triathlon and the water was warm. Yes! There were people in there doing the doggy paddle and the back swim thing that is my usual swim. But I hadn't taken swim lessons for nothing. So I did the free style as taught to the end of a lane and then waited to catch my breath before continuing to the next lane. Race coordinators or whatever they are called would tell me that I could skip ahead a few lanes without being penalized. But like I told the guy who was resting in my lane with me; "I'm not giving up, I'm just resting." He agreed. Once the swim was over, I was happy. The biking wasn't bad but my nose was running constantly. Luckily I had a hankie with me so I had to kee

Maggie is here now. She's panting hard trying to adjust to the new surroundings.
I started back full time at LDI on June 1st. People ask how many people are left but its hard to say because physically there's 6 full time but one of them is admin and another is IT and 2 other people above the 6 are part time. So you can say there's between 4 and 8 people. We've been busy until this week, I thought. But there are many little tasks this week keeping me on edge that my days are chaotic and I cant wait to go home and clear my mind. I kind of miss being laid off during the summer. Being laid off in winter didn't have many perks because I couldn't spend my time outside. Summer is flying by now and I still haven't had my fill of it yet.
I moved in the end of May or beginning of June. I was supposed to move out of the town house in the middle of June but Megan made me mad so I moved in with Sam early on a weeknight. Sam and I moved me in by ourselves. It was spread out over a few days and weeks so no one day was too hard for just the two of us. Living together is going great even though people don't believe me when I say that. Our only issue is laundry. I cant do his because I never do it right. That's fine with me then, I was just trying to be helpful. Since I work during the day and he works in the evening, our lack of actually spending time together in the apartment might be making living together easier than it would be if we were both here at the same time. He will be home around 10:30, typical as every other night. His days off are Sunday and Monday so we try to spend Sunday together and I leave work at 5 on Mondays so I can come home and play with him. We go to the gym together on Mondays so that is 1 hour we aren't actually together.
I go to BodyJam at Golds where I joined when I moved in to the apartment. Fitness First didn't have BodyJam so I'm glad to have some variety other than BodyPump and Pilates. But the Pilates schedule at Golds isn't good so I have yet to be there. BodyJam has been challenging but I'm hoping that in the 6 weeks a routine runs, I'll be able to pick up some moves like Priya. The last routine had Buttons by the PCD and a song by the BEP and this one has Womanizer by Britney. I cant remember the other two too well and Womanizer is more of a bee bop move/dance which I wouldn't be able to use in the club. There's only 4 weeks of this routine left so maybe the next routine will have a good song and moves so I can pull it out on the dance floor. But I haven't been out dancing in a while so even if I do pick up some moves, I don't know when I'll be able to use them. I found that having a boyfriend makes me less likely to go out or stay out late because I'm not trying to pick up anyone and if I'm not out with Sam, I don't want to stay out long so that I can come home to see him.
Sam and I have been to the beach twice this summer. The first time in June it rained for 2 of our days there and the day we were leaving it was nice so we got some sun then. And then we just went for the day this past Sunday with Dave and Gina. Sam and I waited till Saturday evening to make our final decision on going since the weather had a 30% chance of t-storms for Sunday afternoon and we didn't want to have another rainy day at the beach. We got plenty of sunshine and are now satisfied with the beach for the year. But I forgot my camera so we're a little upset that I didn't get any pictures of our trip besides the ones we took on Sam's cell phone. We have a pool at our apartment so we can continue our tan there.
Maggie is snoring now so I guess she has calmed down enough to sleep.
I'm going to take the multiple choice sections of the LARE in September so I have been focusing on studying in the evenings when Sam is working. Wednesday is a good day for that since I don't have a gym class except that today, one of the companies leasing space in our LDI building hosted a BBQ after work and I had 2 margaritas so that wouldn't make studying very productive.