Tuesday, February 24, 2009

body sculpt

I was planning on going to pilates tonight and a run on the treadmill this morning but Annette asked if I wanted to go to the rec center tonight while she ran. So I rearranged my schedule and found that my gym had a Body Sculpt class this morning at 10:30. I read the description and it seemed like that would be a decent alternative to Pilates and that way I can run later with Annette. Well the class was more like a mild version of Body Pump and you need coordination and balance for it. There are a few older ladies in it so I felt a little weird. We did squats, lunges, abs, chest presses, biceps and tricep dips as well as other things. And she stuck a little pilates type stretching onto the end. My body was tired from my work outs yesterday and so I was looking forward to pilates stretching me out. But instead I worked my muscles again. Hopefully they can recover for my swim tomorrow morning. My head kind of hurts now. I better hydrate up for tonight and I think i'll have a Boost too for energy.

I still cant find my weight lifting gloves. I looked in my car and they weren't in there. I'm not giving up on the though. Unless I left them at the gym and they were thrown out of the lost and found before I looked in it last night for them.

I'm finding that my unemployment checks are not keeping my checking count at a comfortable level and I don't want to start dipping into my savings. So the gym is looking to hire a membership sales person. I don't have any sales experience but I am 'fitness oriented/focused' and if the job pays enough, I might take it. I was going to talk to the gym manager after my class this morning but she wasn't in. So I'll send her an email about it to see what the hours and pay and responsibilities are.

1 comment:

  1. Just beware that if you get a part time job, they take that money away from your unemployment check. So if you make $200 a week at the gym, you'll get your unemployment minus $200. Isn't that dumb? But I'm 99% sure that's how it works.
