Thursday, February 5, 2009


Now that I see that my first post worked, I'll add another. I'm waiting for my friend Shivanee to arrive at my townhouse so that we can go out to eat. We are both laid off so we have the option to hang out during the middle of the day on a weekday. Shes a good sidekick so I might have her run errands with me after lunch. I have applied for a few jobs this week and am waiting for a response from the companies. I called one this morning to make sure they got my application and to just see what was happening (I see Shivanee has just arrived outside) with the process. I am running out of places to apply to each week for unemployment so I have expanded my job search to like 40 minutes away which is a big change from my previous 10 minute drive. My stomach is growling and Shivanee is now sitting on my couch with her coat on so I better call this the end and continue later.
Now that we have our Mexican food and margarita intake and ran my errands, we have returned to my townhouse where Shivanee swears the house is the reason why I have been taking a nap everyday. She thinks the colors are too soothing and are making her sleepy too but I think she would be too uncomfortable to fall asleep here. Yeah, I think its about time to slump down into the couch further and maybe doze off.