Monday, February 9, 2009


It's official. Sam and I have registered for a 'super sprint (mini) triathlon' for Autism in Bethesda on April 19. I haven't done much cardio since a conditioning class in college and don't like running but figured I'd have enough time to train since I don't have a job and have a lot of free time on my hands. I've been attending Pilates, abs and body pump (weight) classes at the gym and decided to try a cycling class last week to test myself. My body was fine but my lungs and heart couldn't do much more than the 45 minutes that it was. Today I'm going to go for a run since the weather is nicer out. I have new, real Adidas running sneakers that I picked up with Amber at Costco last week. She said I couldn't wear my sneakers that I got at Walmart a few months ago. So I'm kind of excited to wear them on my run. I'm tyring to chug water for the next half hour before I venture out. I drove my route on the way to the grocery store this morning so I know how far I need to go. I think I'll be able to train and be confident in the biking and running portions of the triathlon, but there's also a swimming portion. When i go swimming i might take two strokes on my stomach and then roll over to my back and paddle around the pool. So after some research and hesitation, I'm going to sign up for a stroke class at the local rec center. Apparently I have to get goggles and a one piece too because bikinis aren't very good for competitive swimming. Another problem I might have is that I hold my breath when I go under water so I'm gonna go to the rec center to 'get my feet wet' before the real class starts in March. So here starts my triathlon training. I'm scared but cant back out now because I'm registered.


  1. that comment was from me, Priya...I guess Nick was logged into his google account. don't give him credit.
