I'm now the proud owner of a new hybrid bicycle. Sam and I had lunch with his folks yesterday (see picture of Sam and Maggie) and then we started our task of looking for bikes for the triathlon. We visited three stores and discovered that our budget was low and that a hybrid would be more reasonable than a road bike. So after a break from comparison shopping and a drink at KFC, we returned to the second store to buy our bikes. But Sam's had already been sold to someone else. Luckily there was a different and cheaper bike so he got that one instead. Sam was nice enough to split the total price of the two bikes with me since his bike was cheaper. I got a helmet too. Its subtly girly. I never had a helmet before since there aren't many cops in the country to catch me riding my mountain bike without a helmet. After they tuned up our bikes and we actually got to leave with them, we were both tired but didn't want to waste the nice day. So we rode them down to Shirlington and ate. But we don't have bike locks so we sat at a booth next to a window and had the bikes leaning on the window on the outside to watch for anyone to steal them. After we returned to my place, I stored my bike under the window in my dining room and behind the dining table. Since we paid more for the bikes than we were planning, I told Sam that we wont be able to have curtains in our new apartment. We are running out of place in our new apartment already and haven't even moved in yet but now we will be storing our bikes in there. Until then, Sam has to keep his bike in his bedroom since his roommate has o.c.d. and wont allow it in the living room or hallway. Since Sam and I were tired, we watched a movie and called it a night. But he wanted to have popcorn with the movie and I didn't so he was upset with me.
I looked at my bank account today and found out that the bike store charged me 3 times as much as they were supposed to but after a few phone calls, 2/3s of that should go away in 3-5 days.

Today was pretty but still cold. So I went for a run at the gym. This afternoon I wanted to go outside and take pictures of the pretty flowers since the sky was actually blue and the lighting was good. I got some quality pictures out of my excursion. But spending time outside made me want to ride my bike. I had body pump tonight so I will ride my bike tomorrow if i can find a good route and then have my stroke clinic class tomorrow night. Which reminds me...MY WEIGHT LIFTING GLOVES HAVE RETURNED. Megan got dressed for body pump tonight and came down stairs and told me to guess what was in her pockets. It was my gloves. I wore her jacket one day to body pump when it was warmer and when she didn't go along, so I must have left them in her pockets when I put her jacket away. I now have 2 pairs in case I loose one. And Sam isn't mad at me any more for losing the pair that he gave me for my birthday.
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